An Address to the Inhabitants of Europe on the Iniquity of the Slave Trade; issued by the Religious Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, in Great Britain and Ireland

Published in eight languages (English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish), this Quaker pamphlet addressed to the inhabitants of Europe promotes the cause of abolitionism through a shared sense of Christian duty and brotherhood - not only with "our Continental neighbours", but with the people of Africa: "The same feelings which lead us to consider the natives of France, of Spain, of Holland, of Portugal, and of the other nations of Europe, as our brethren, induce us to extend this endearing appellation to the inhabitants of Africa" (5). It encourages supporters of abolition to inform themselves and those around them about the iniquity of the slave trade, and to "combine their efforts in this righteous cause" (15).

English language version available online in the Recovered Histories collection. All translations held at the Friends House Library in London, translations also held by the national libraries of France, Denmark (French and German translations) and Spain. See attached download for more details. Attributed to the Quaker abolitionist Josiah Forster by a number of sources (library catalogues, and in Anne Bignan, L'Abolition de la traite des noirs, 1823, p.22).

  • Date : 1822
  • Surname : Forster
  • First name : Josiah
  • Classification : Pamphlet
  • Place of publication : London
  • Publisher : W. Phillips
  • Language : English
  • Theme : Abolition Campaigns
  • Source : Anti-Slavery International, 'Recovered Histories' collection. Friends House Library, London.
  • Weblink :
  • Documents : Address to the Inhabitants of Europe.pdf
  • Key words : Address Inhabitants Europe Iniquity Slave Trade Society Friends Quakers Abolition Multilingual

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